7 Important Last Minutes Tips to ace IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017

7 Important Last Minutes Tips to ace IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017
Dear Bankersdaily Aspirant,
The exam season and the results of those exams has been an integral part of the ecosystem of a banking aspirant and this week it is not different and we had got the marks of the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 score card, Additionally adding to the excitement, the Mains Examination of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2017 is happening tomorrow and we hope you are preparing in a excellent manner for the exams, devouring the contents from the last four month current affairs and other important events and also the computer awareness questions and snippets which are very important for the exams.
Attend the FREE MOCK TEST if you haven’t now and you can get the same from the links below and boost your performance tomorrow in the exam.
FREE MOCK TEST – IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017
S.no | Name of tests | No of questions | Maximum Marks | Total Time |
1. | Reasoning | 40 | 50 |
Composite Time of 2 hours |
2. | Numerical Ability | 40 | 50 | |
3. | General Awareness | 40 | 40 | |
4 a | English Language | 40 | 40 | |
4 b | Hindi Language | 40 | 40 | |
5 | Computer Knowledge | 40 | 20 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
*Candidates can opt for either English / Hindi which they have to do during the time of applying for the post. The candidate has to attend the chose language in the mains examination (i.e Either English / Hindi , but not both)
* For the Office Assistant Multipurpose post , there is no Interview and candidates are shortlisted based on the cutoff gained by the candidate in the Mains Examination.
* The candidate has to get a score which is high, to be in the final list of IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2017, mere clearing the mains examination cutoff will not assure you a slot in the final result.
7 Important Last Minutes Tips to ace IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017
- Being on time is the first important factor in an exam and also it will avoid the last minute hassles in the exam. If you are starting late to the exam, if any time taking incidents happen, then we will not be in a situation to rectify it. So prior start to the test will be the initial one in the list. The exam centers are also not located in the main areas rather they are located in the outskirts in majority centers, so this will save you in the first hand.
- If you haven’t taken the printouts of the Call Letter of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017 and also the required photocopies of the ID’s , please take it now. This will also reduce the last minute hassles of the exams. If you haven’t taken the printouts and are still looking forward to check the ink , we still make the process simple, click the link below to download the hall ticket of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017.
Download Call Letter of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017
- You would have charted a exam strategy for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017 and never ever fall from using the strategy. The exam may be easy or tough but follow your own strategy in the exam ,changing the time will be disastrous in the last minute.
- Always remember the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination 2017 is for a composite time of 2 hours and you have to follow your own timings in the exam within the stipulated 2 hours and do remember, the total number of questions is 200.
- Start from the section which is you strong fort and never choose a section which you feel will be difficult. A clear and calm mind in the exam is needed to solve the questions efficiently and if some questions kindles and take away your time, the efforts of your preparations are wasted. So be conscious enough to choose the easier ones.
- If you find some questions which are time taking, don’t hesitate to leave that question immediately and you can always come back to that question at a later stage during the exam. Try the questions that are easier. Also remember that your accuracy matters a lot and never choose to assume anything during the examination, it is a wonderful opportunity for you and never waste it with the choice of assumptions.
- Do Not limit yourselves with the comparison of the cutoff marks of the last year and previous year cutoff marks. Always try to attend maximum number of questions with utmost accuracy. Be fast in solving the questions because of the limitations of the time in the exams.
So be prepared for everything because in the recently over IBPS RRB Scale I Officer Mains Examination 2017 some of the sections were really tough when considered with the other examinations and remember to always read the instructions of the questions carefully because twisted questions are the yorkers and tricky ones in the recently held examinations. Believe in yourself that you can do your best and can achieve anything in the exams and this will enhance the confidence level in your mind. A deep sleep is also essential before the exams, even then your dreams will be filled with the general awareness questions and computer awareness questions and puzzles, and this will be a stress reliever. Your preparations for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant is going to give you good results and we wish all the aspirants for the exam, GO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS OF BECOMING A BANKER.
TEAM BANKERSDAILY will upload the Analysis and Review & the Questions asked in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Examination tomorrow @ 12.45 P.M and once we get the feedbacks from our analysis team. So keep an watchful eye for the updates tomorrow on the website and also please share your feedback which will be helpful for the other aspirants who are writing their exams in the forthcoming days.
If you haven’t seen the individual State Vacancies in the notification, please click the below link to know about them.
If you wish to know more about how to crack the different sections asked in the IBPS RRB Office Assistants and Scale I , II & III Officers , Please Check the below link to gain more about how to tackle the various sections and tricks of each section.
How to Approach various topics in IBPS RRB Exams
If you have started the preparation for the IBPS RRB posts , you are ahead of many others who are fighting for a spot in the vacancies. If not start your preparation now. We have also started a new learn series to help the candidates gain more insight about the topics asked in the exam , so if you wish to check more about that , please click the link below to know more about the Learn Series. We are sure this will help the aspirants to the core.
Learn Series – Know about Various Topics
Other useful Links regarding RRB :
Perks of being an IBPS RRB Officer – Salary,Emoluments, Allowances and Career Progression