Alpha Numeric For SBI PO Set – 35

Alpha Numeric For SBI PO Set – 35
1) Study the following arrangement to answer these questions:
L 2 M 3 S P @ = J 5 B $ R 7 N # T D 6 B K V 9 4 & A F 8
How many such symbols are there each of which of either immediately preceded by a number or immediately followed by a letter?
a) One
b) Two
c) None
d) Three
e) More than three
2) Study the following arrangement to answer these questions:
L 2 M 3 S P @ = J 5 B $ R 7 N # T D 6 B K V 9 4 & A F 8
LMP is related to JB7 in the same ways as MS= is to
a) 5$7
b) &B6
c) 5$N
d) &KD
e) None of these
3) Study the following arrangement to answer these questions:
L 2 M 3 S P @ = J 5 B $ R 7 N # T D 6 B K V 9 4 & A F 8
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their position in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
a) JBL
b) NTS
c) 6KJ
d) &FN
e) V4$
4) Study the following digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below:
R * T J L 2 $ D = M # 8 C % B < K 1 & A W ? P E + Q @ 7 F 6
What should come in place of question mark in the following on the basis of above sequence?
* R J : F 6 @ : L J $ : Q @ E : D $ M : ?
a) # M C
b) P E W
c) P ? +
d) P E ?
e) None of these
5) Study the following digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below
R * T J L 2 $ D = M # 8 C % B < K 1 & A W ? P E + Q @ 7 F 6
If the first fifteen elements in the above sequence are written in reverse order, then which of the following wil be twenty-first from the right end?
a) 2
b) $
c) =
d) L
e) None of these
6) Study the following digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below:
R * T J L 2 $ D = M # 8 C % B < K 1 & A W ? P E + Q @ 7 F 6
If the above sequence is written in reverse order then which of the following will be sixth to the right of sixteenth element from the right end?
a) M
b) A
c) B
d) ?
e) None of these
7) Study the following digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below:
R * T J L 2 $ D = M # 8 C % B < K 1 & A W ? P E + Q @ 7 F 6
Which of the following is sixth to the left of eighteenth element from the left?
a) %
b) C
c) 1
d) 8
e) None of these
8) Study the following digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below:
R * T J L 2 $ D = M # 8 C % B < K 1 & A W ? P E + Q @ 7 F 6
How many such numbers are there in the above sequence, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a symbol?
a) Nil
b) One
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
9) In each of the following questions two rows of numbers are given. The resultant number in each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules and the question below the rows of numbers is to be answered. The operation of number progress from left to right.
(i) If a two digit event number is followed by another even number the first one is be divided by the second one.
(ii) If an even number is followed by a prime number, the two are to be muitiplied.
(iii)If an odd number is followed by another odd number the two are be added.
(iv) If a three digit number is followed by a two digit number which is the perfect square, the second number is to be subtracted from the first number.
(v) If a three digit number is followed by two digit number which is not the perfect square, the first number is to be divided by the second number.
24 7 81
x 27 19
If ‘x’ is the resultant of the first row, what is the resultant of the second row?
a) 87
b) 114
c) 4
d) 6
e) None of these