Highlights of 15th Census of India – 2011

Highlights of 15th Census of India – 2011
The Census 2011 is the 15th National census survey conducted by the Census Organization of India.
India’s largest Census 2011 were released in New Delhi on 31st March 2011 by Union Home Secretary GK Pillai and RGI C Chandramouli.
The national census survey covered all the 28 states of the country and 7 Union territories including 640 districts, 497 cities, 5767 tehsils & over 6 lakh villages.
Census 2011 was held in two phases:
Phase 1: Houselisting & Housing Census
Phase 2: Population Enumeration
The motto of census 2011 was ‘Our Census, Our future’.
Total number of districts – 640
The population of India has increased by more than 181 million during the decade 2001-2011.
About Population Data’s:
The population of the country as per the provisional figures of Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which 623.7 million (51.54%) are males and 586.46 million (48.46%) are females.
Population Growth Rate – 17.64%
Uttar Pradesh – 19,95,81,477 (Highest Populous State)
Maharashtra – 11,23,72,972 (Second Highest Populous State)
Lakshadweep – 64,429 (Least Populous UT)
Sikkim – 6,07,688 (Least populous state)
Thane (Mumbai) – Highest Populous District
Density of Population (person per sq km)
Highest Density of Population – Bihar (1102 sq km)
Lowest Density of Population – Arunachal Pradesh (17)
Highest fertility Rate – Meghalaya
Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males – 940:1000)
Highest sex ratio in state – Kerala (1084)
Lowest sex ratio in UTs – Daman & Diu (618)
Literacy Rate in India – 74%
Males- 82.14%
Females- 65.46%
Highest Literacy Rate in state – Kerala – 93.11%,
Lowest Literacy Rate in state – Bihar – 63.82%.
Most Literate District – Serechhip (Mizoram)
Least Literate District – Dadra Naga & Haveli
Most literate union territory – Lakshadweep (92.2%)
Least literate Union Territory – Dadra Nagar & Haweli
100% Literacy District – Palakkad (Kerala)
100% Banking State – Kerala
100% Banking District – Palakkad (Kerala)
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I need explanation for answer