IBPS CLERK Mains 2018 – 10 Days Study Planner – Reasoning -Day 10
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IBPS CLERK Mains 2018 – 10 Days Study Planner – Reasoning -Day 10
Dear Bankersdaily Aspirants,
IBPS CLERK Mains Exam 2018 is coming fast than you think and there are only less days to make your preparation fruitful. The preparation strategy must be fixed in such a way that the actual ones will help to score more marks in the IBPS CLERK mains Exam 2018.
The IBSP CLERK Mains Exam 2018 is scheduled to happen on 20th December 2019.
As like the last year, sectional timing is also there, and one needs to be prepared in such a way that, the aspirant can attend maximum number of questions.
The key to score more marks lies in scoring in the General Awareness, banking Awareness and English Section. So, one needs to be preparing in such a way that, the aspirant must get maximum marks in the above said section. Practising is the key to score in these topics and aspirants must read at least 6 months Current Affairs to crack the General Awareness Section and Banking Awareness Section.
To enhance the preparation of the aspirants, we have already released the IBPS CLERK Mains Exam 2018 Current Affairs & Banking Awareness Capsule which covers CA & Banking News from June to December 2018.
The other topics like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and English Language should also be prepared so that the score soars up.
We have started the IBPS CLERK Mains Exam 2018 – Planner where we are providing practice questions from the above topics which will help the aspirants to increase the solving ability and to learn new questions.
We have also included the New pattern Questions which have been asked in the recent exams like SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Assistant and others. This will assist the aspirants in analysing the type of questions and to know the nuances of attending the Different type of questions.
Section : Reasoning Ability
Total Questions: 20
Total Timing: 15 Minutes
D.111-115) Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions given below:
There are nine friends, Z, B, F, R, M, X, C, V, K and S and are sitting in a straight line. Some of the facing south while some of them facing north direction. All of them working indifferent companies namely, Siemens, Exide, Polaris, Oracle, Honeywell, Sterlite, Redington, Infosys and Finolex not necessarily in the same order.
B is facing south direction and sits third to the right of M, who is works polaris. One who works honeywell sits immediate left of M and sits one of the extreme end. There are two persons sits between one who works sterlite and one who works redington and both of them facing same direction. V sits on one of the extreme end and is not an immediate neighbour of one who works Polaris. Only four persons sits between one who work in infosys and S. K works in exide and sits fourth to the right of Polaris. R sits second to the left of V and works in redington. Z neither works in sterlite nor Infosys. R is facing south direction. The one who works in Infosys second to the left of exide, who is facing north direction. F is an immediate neighbour of one who works in oracle and one who works in finolex. One who works in honeywell and S face same direction as K.
Q.111. Who among the following sits immediate right of one who works Infosys?
a) One who works exide
b) V
c) one who woks redington
d) K
e) Cannot be determined
Q.112. Which of the following statement is/are true?
a) S faces south direction.
b) One who works honeywell sits second to the right of one who works oracle.
c) There are three persons sits between one who works finolex and K.
d) B sits second to the left of S.
e) None of these
Q.113. Who among the following works Siemens?
a) B
b) S
c) V
d) X
e) None of these
Q.114. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one does not belong to that group?
a) Redington
b) F
c) Polaris
d) V
e) Oracle
Q.115. B works which of the following company?
a) Oracle
b) Infosys
c) Either a or d
d) Finolex
e) Sterlite
D.116-120) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting in a row. Some of them face north while some of them face south. Each of them belongs to different countries viz., China, Canada, England, Israel, Portugal, Netherland and Nepal.
One who sits in the middle of the row belongs to Israel and faces south. Two persons sit between T and one who belongs to Portugal. One who belongs to China sit in the end of the row. Q faces north. R sits second to the left of P. S belongs to Netherland. Three persons sit between R and V. One who belongs to England is an immediate neighbour of T. P faces same direction as T. V is an immediate neighbour of Q who sits to the right of the person who belongs to Israel. U belongs to China. S is not an immediate neighbour of R. One who belongs to Nepal sits to the right of both Q and U. R faces same direction as S. Persons who are sitting to the right of P faces same direction except V. There are as many persons sit between S and R as between P and U.
Q.116) Who among the following belongs to Canada?
a) One who sits second to the right of V
b) One who sits third to the left of P
c) One who sits second to the left of S
d) One who sits fourth to the left of R
e) None of these
Q.117) How many persons sit between S and one who belongs to Nepal?
a) Three
b) Two
c) One
d) None
e) None of these
Q.118) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the above sequence and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a) Portugal
b) Israel
c) Canada
d) China
e) Nepal
Q.119) T belongs to which of the following country?
a) Canada
b) Nepal
c) Israel
d) England
e) None of these
Q.120) Who among the following sits fourth to the right of one who sits second the left of T?
a) One who belongs to Portugal
b) One who belongs to China
c) One who belongs to Canada
d) One who belongs to Netherland
e) None of these
D.11-20) In the question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Q.11) Statement:
Kumar is more interested in playing cricket than studying.
I. Kumar’s parents know about his interests.
II. Kumar is not a class topper.
a) If assumption I alone follows
b) If assumption II alone follows
c) If either assumption I or assumption II follows
d) If neither assumption I nor II follows
e) If both assumptions follow
Q.12) Statement:
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017 will make instant triple talaq a cognizable offence.
I. This rule may help the Muslim women to fight against triple talaq.
II. All Indian women welcome this decision.
Q.13) Statement:
I&B Ministry orders two TV channels off air for violating cable act.
I. Every TV channels must be follow cable act.
II. TV channel may not need to follow cable act.
Q.14) Statement:
Three astronauts returned to Earth on Thursday after nearly six months aboard the International Space Station, landing in the snow-covered steppes outside of a remote town in Kazakhstan.
I. Returning from the space station is impossible.
II. Only these three astronauts returned to earth.
Q.15) Statement:
A new drug could reduce suicidal thoughts drastically: Study
I. People do not believing on such type of study.
II. Suicidal, depressed patients need treatments.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If both assumptions are implicit
d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit
e) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit
Q.16) Statement:
The president is the sole arbiter in deciding on invading other countries.
I. The Army Generals have no role in making such decisions.
II.The Army Chief will not follow the decisions of the president.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If both assumptions are implicit
d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit
e) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit
Q.17) Statement:
Anitha is both good-looking and clever.
I. Anitha has lots of friends.
II.Anitha’s friends like her very much.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If both assumptions are implicit
d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit
e) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit
Q.18) Statement:
China’s military presence in the South China Sea is a threat to the countries nearby it.
I. China will not remain long in South-China sea.
II. China has benefits in occupying South-China sea.
a) If assumption I alone follows
b) If assumption II alone follows
c) If either assumption I or assumption II follows
d) If neither assumption I nor II follows
e) If both assumptions follow
Q.19) Statement: According to a survey, as many as 38 per cent people show some significant signs of mental health difficulties and require immediate professional medical assistance.
I. The main objective of the survey was to create awareness about mental health issues among readers and make them aware about the existing risks.
II. As per the survey, only 8 per cent people reported of not having any symptoms of mental health difficulties.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If both assumptions are implicit
d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit
e) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit
Q.20) Statement: Over 15,000 diabetes patients from Kolkata have signed a petition to seek a reduction in the cost of glucose trips across country.
I. This move will help government realize that a reduction of glucose trip price would make it affordable for effected people.
II. The cost of health care is increasing.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If both assumptions are implicit
d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit
e) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit
Q.1) E
Q.2) D
Q.3) C
Q.4) E
Q.5) C
Q.6) (c)
Q.7) (c)
Q.8) (c)
Q.9) (b)
Q.10) (d)
Q.11) (d)
Neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit, as it is unclear if his parents know about his interest in Cricket. Also we don’t know whether his playing cricket has in anyway affected his studying or not so assumption I and II are false.
Q.12) (a)
Assumption I alone follows, as we can safely assume from the statement that Muslim Women will welcome this decision as it will help them in their fight. But assumption II is not implicit as we can’t derive from the statement whether other women of other religions will welcome this decision.
Q.13) (a)
Assumption I alone follows, from the statement we can learn that there have been established rules i.e. Cable Act which all channels must follow failing which the Ministry will pull the channel off the air. Hence assumption I is implicit.
Q.14) (d)
Neither assumption I nor II follows. Since we don’t know the original number of crew that went into space, assumption II is not implicit. While assumption I is plainly absurd as we can derive from the statement that astronauts do get back from the space station.
Q.15) (b)
Assumption II alone follows, since we can deduce from the need for such a study that there must have been an endeavor to find treatment for suicidal and depressed patients. While assumption I is not implicit as we cannot substantiate or derive it from the statement that people don’t believe in such studies.
Q.16) (a)
Only assumption I is implicit, since it is stated in the statement that the President is the only sole arbiter when it comes to deciding on invading other countries. While assumption II directly contradicts what is given in the statement.
Q.17) (d)
Neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit, as it is never made clear if she have any friends.
Q.18) (b)
Only assumption II is implicit, as it can be reasonably assumed that China has taken great risks by placing its military in the South China sea so it must have some kind of benefits in doing so. Assumption I is a possibility and cannot be assumed from the given statement, as we can’t be sure if China will be rebuked from the South-China Sea
Q.19) (a) Only assumption I is implicit from the statement as we can be sure that the survey was conducted to identify the extent to which people suffer from mental health issues and require medical assistance, assumption II is a claim but cannot be inferred from the statement.
Q.20) (e) We can assume conclusion I from the statement as we know the motivations of the people to write the petitions is to bring attention of the government to this matter and also we can be sure that the health care costs of the diabetes patients are increasing, hence both conclusion I and II are implicit.