Strategy to crack the Quantitative Aptitude section in IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017

Strategy to crack the Quantitative Aptitude section in IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017
Dear Banking Aspirant ,
The most awaited banking is around the corner and it is only 5 days away and the preliminary examination starts on 7th October and goes on for four days. We hope your preparations are geared up for the IBPS PO preliminary examination 2017 and also you would have now strategised your own strategy to win the preliminary examination of IBPS PO 2017. This is the most expected exam of the year and after this a hoard of exams in the mains sections are going to be conducted like IBPS RRB Scale I Officer and IBPS RRB Office Assistant and in the long run IBPS Clerk prelims 2017 examination is also there.
So this exam season has started and now is the important time of it and we are being tested to check our potential in the preliminary and mains examination of those exams. Usually preliminary examination are qualifying in nature and the mains examination decides the final place in the interview or in the final list of selection. The first hurdle being the preliminary examination, we have to take examination with utmost care and preparation.
We have been providing 10 mock tests for the convenience of the preparations of the candidates through our CRACK IBPS PO Planner study strategy. If you haven’t attended, please click the links below to attend the tests and you can still attend 5 mock tests in the series. Attend the tests and get benefited.
We can also take the last year cutoff marks for the review process and to differentiate the different topics in the quants sections that are asked in the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2016. This will give us an insight about how many questions should candidates attend to be in the safe level to cross the individual cutoff marks.
IBPS PO 2016 Preliminary Examination Cutoff Marks
The individual cutoff marks for different sections in the IBPS PO 2016 for various categories are given below
S.No | Section | Category | |
General | SC / ST / OBC | ||
1 | English Language | 7 | 4.5 |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 8.5 | 5.5 |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 8.25 | 5.25 |
The overall cutoff marks for various categories in the IBPS PO 2015 preliminary examination. This is the Overall cutoff marks which is obtained for the total 100 marks of the examination.
Category | General | OBC | SC | ST |
Cut Off Marks * | 47.5 | 46.5 | 40 | 31.25 |
This is the individual overall cutoff marks for the IBPS PO Preliminary examination 2016 and you could have now got an overall idea about how many questions you should attend in each section of the preliminary examination in this year IBPS PO Preliminary examination 2017.
The pattern asked in last year quants section were quadratic equations, number series, approximation, data interpretation and miscellaneous section. In the miscellaneous section , the topics will be mixed for various batches and so we cannot be assured of certain topics and it’s also limited, so you can expect a mixed of list.
You can check the individual topics from the table below and also please take a close look at the difficulty level of the different topics.
Topics | No.of Questions | Difficulty Level |
Number Series | 5 | Easy – Moderate |
Approximation | 5 | Easy |
Quadratic Equation | 5 | Easy |
Data Interpretation | 10 | Moderate |
Miscellaneous | 10 | Easy – Moderate |
Total | 35 |
- According to the data above, we can clearly make our conclusion that instead of spending individual time for individual questions , the combination of all the other simple topics like number series, quadratic equations, approximation/simplification and data interpretation will help to score more in the exam.
- If you are exceptionally well in doing miscellaneous problems then timing matters and you can attend them if you are 100% sure of attending all the questions, but remember at the same time we can attend easy ones like the above said points in the blink of the eye, if we have practiced more.
- Number series and Simplification should be your first choice of selection in the quants sections and it will not take even more that 7 minutes to do all the 10 sums and also note one or two sums in this section will be definitely hard to crack and if you find that question to be more difficult, always leave that to save time and go the next topic.
- Quadratic equation , another easier topic to score more and what else do we need when we can solve all the question in less than 5 minutes and grab the marks. These topics are sure shot winners in the quants section and we can accurately arrive at the answer in less than a minute if the difficulty level is in the easier level.
- The next target should be Data Interpretation and in that 10 questions are there and we can easily do some 7 questions in the easier level and if we are lucky then all 10 is possible.
- Overall to do all the 25 questions we need only 20 minutes and in the other hand if you opt for the miscellaneous section it would take at least a minute to do one question and so you need solid 10 minutes or more to solve all the questions. So it is wise to choose the other topics in this section and choose this section in the last moment.
- Accuracy is very important to crack this portion and so choosing the first simple topics would give you an upper hand in this section. Do note the exam is for a composite time of 60 minutes and we cannot afford to spend more than 20 minutes in this section and get low marks. So choose wisely and grab the ultimate marks and going by the individual cutoff marks of IBPS PO preliminary examination 2016, if you solve around 10 questions with great accuracy you will crack the quants sections and this pertains to candidates who think quants as a difficult one and could score more in other sections.
- Candidates have to also note , getting marks equally in all the sections will give them more in the overall cutoff marks and they also don’t need to worry about the individual cutoff marks.
Clearly this is not the time for individual preparation and we don’t advice the same , this is the time for mock tests and you should be doing as many mock tests as you could and check the level of questions you could attend in the examination. If you still wish to learn some of the topics in the quantitative aptitude section, we have already posted that in our learn where you can learn the basics of all the topics in the quants section and also in the reasoning section.
You can also check the post on how to score more marks in the IBPS PO preliminary examination 2017 from the post below.
7 Important points to score 50+ marks in IBPS PO preliminary Examination 2017
Check the IBPS Clerk Planner 2017 and we will be posting the individual topics from 8P.M daily and you culd check the same from the planner .