Dear Bankersdaily Aspirant,
The most expected exam of the year 2017 is here and it is the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017. The Review and analysis of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017 will be posted shortly after the exam gets over in the SHIFT 1. We hope your impeccable preparations will give you the confidence and you would write the exams well.
The IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017 slot 1 review is here and the exam is easy and many aspirants have been able to attend more number of questions in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017. So it’s going to be a easy one and attend maximum number of questions. The Reasoning section was the easier one out of all and the quants pattern was similar to that of the RBI Assistant Prelims 2017.
The initial Shift/ Slot of the exam is much more important than the others because this slot is like the basement of the start of the exam , so everyone is wishing to gain multiple insights from the Shift 1 and we are here to help you with the review and analysis of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017 and also the questions asked in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017. You can also the various topics asked in the exam like number series questions asked , DI Questions, Seating arrangement problems , puzzles sets, Reading comprehension questions and also the level of questions asked in each section and how was the exam. The Day 1 and Slot 1 as said determines the other slot of the exams and also the questions level. So check for the Slot 1/ Shift 1 Review and questions asked in the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 in a few mins.
You can help the other candidates with
- The number of questions asked in each topic in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
- The difficulty level of each topic in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
- The Pattern in which the questions are asked in the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
- The topics that are easier to attend in IBPS Clerk 2017
- Number series questions asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
Review Updated – Check below
Your valuable feedback about the exams and the questions asked in the IBPS PO Mains Examination 2017 will be helpful for the other candidates and also to the ones who wish to know things in the exam.
You could send the details via Whatsapp No: 9087875785
Alternatly you can also share the review to us in our Telegram Group ( @Bankersdaily) or to the Number : 9087875785
Or drop us a mail at virtualracetest@gmail.com
Alternately you can comment the questions asked in each slots as comments under the same post which will be useful for the candidates who are attending the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017 in the forthcoming days and in the forthcoming batches.
Quantitative Aptitude – IBPS Clerk Prelims Examination 2017 – SLOT 1/SHIFT 1 – Day 1
Good Attempt – 18
Best Attempt – 20+
- No New Pattern Questions were asked in Slot 1 of IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017
- The DI question asked in the exam was easy and Tabular DI was asked
- Missing Number series was asked.
Missing Number Series Questions asked in SLOT 1 of IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination 2017
1. 2, 3, 6, 15, 45, ?
2. 10, 12, 16, 24, 40, ?
3. 310, 220, 148, 92, 50, 20, ?
4. 221, ?, 165, 140, 117, 96
Miscellaneous Questions asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017
- Items A and B cost price equal, item A sold at 40% profit and item B sold at 20%less than the selling price of item A, total profit is 189.find the cost price of A?
Quantitative Aptitude – Topics asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 | ||
S.No | Topics | No.of Question |
1 | Data Interpretation | 5 |
2 | Simplification | 10 |
3 | Miscellaneous | 15 |
4 | Number Series | 5 |
Total | 35 |
Reasoning Ability – IBPS Clerk Prelims Examination 2017 – SLOT 1/SHIFT1 – Day 1
Good Attempt – 18
Best Attempt – 25+
- One Linear Arrangement was asked and it was based on North sitting arrangement
- One circle based arrangement was asked involving 8 entities
- One Floor based puzzle was asked.
- Syllogism questions was based on the old pattern
- The Alphanumeric number series asked was easier.
- MOT asked was also in the old pattern.
Floor Based Asked in SLOT 1 of IBPS CLERK PRELIMS EXAM 2017
Eight people R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y are living in eight storey building. Lowermost floor is numbered as one and the above floor is numbered as two and so on. X lives in odd numbered floor but not in floor number three. V lives immediately below V. More than two persons are between X and Y. The persons above Y is same as below S. Two persons are between V and T. U lives below R but above W.
Q.1) Who among the following person lives on top most floor?
a) S
b) Y
c) T
d) W
e) R
Q.2) How many persons are between X and T?
a) One
b) None
c) Two
d) Three
e) Four
Q.3) How many persons live below Y?
a) One
b) Two
c) No one as Y lives in lower most floor
d) Three
e) Four
Q.4) Who among the following person lives on fourth floor?
a) V
b) R
c) U
d) T
e) W
Q.5) How many persons are between W and Y?
a) One
b) None
c) Two
d) Three
e) Four
Question Courtesy : [Kathiravan] – Memory Based
Reasoning Ability – Topics asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 | ||
S.No | Topics | No.of Question |
1 | Seating Arrangement | 10 |
2 | Puzzles | 5 |
3 | Syllogism | 5 |
4 | Alpha Numeric Series | 5 |
5 | Number Series | 5 |
6 | Letter Pattern | 1 |
7 | MOT | 3 |
8 | Blood Relation | 2 |
Total | 35 |
English Language – IBPS Clerk Prelims Examination 2017 – SLOT 1/SHIFT1 – Day 1
Good Attempt – 15
Best Attempt – 18+
- New Pattern Filler Type Questions were asked.
- No Synonym / Antonym Questions were asked
ENGLISH LANGUAGE – Topics asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 | ||
S.No | Topics | No.of Question |
1 | Reading Comprehension | 5 |
2 | Filler Type Questions | 5 |
3 | Phrase Replacement | 10 |
4 | Error Detection | 10 |
Total | 30 |
So we have already posted the important questions and topics which are essential for the IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination 2017, you can check the same and download that too. Please check the below link to download the important materials for the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017.
Important Materials For IBPS Clerk 2017 – Download As PDF
Aspirants this is the right time to attend the MOCK Tests because the last week before the exam is vital and the mock tests will give you an edge over the others and it will provide you confidence to attend the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam. We have provided FREE MOCK TESTS for the aspirants for practice and you can attend the same from the post which is mentioned here.
If you still thinking of fixing a strategy to apply in the exam, please check this one and get an idea about the easiest section and choose the best section to attend in the exam. You can check that from the one that is give below. Check the topics that are easier to score and what are topics that has to be given preference in the IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination 2017.
What is your strategy to crack the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2017
You can check the video on the IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination 2017 Strategy to clear the exam in the youtube video here.
You can also check the detailed statewise vacancy of all the states for the IBPS Clerk 2017 vacancies from listed link given below.
IBPS Clerk – State-wise Vacancy List
Alternately you can also check the official notification of the IBPS CLERK 2017 from the given links.
Please post 3 dec memory based english section shift1
You can expect the memory based set of English and all the other sections by today evening.
please provide new pattern fillers in english section
It’s already posted in our website in the IBPS CLERK and PO Planner. Please take a look at those to gain some insights.
Profit loss quesn ans plzz
80 can be attempted easily , reading puzzle were Easy and can be solved in single reading.. English was somewhat new as the paragraph questions were only 5 and the error supporting was like spot the correct part and it’s 10 nos. Quants was the easy part but u have to be quick missing nos were simple. I’m from 1 pm slot.Thanks.
This year exam difficulty level is easy to moderate…so expected cutoff is 60+ sure
some of them telling simplification slot one -10 questions
slot two-15 questions
please clarify 10 or 15
We have updated the same in both the posts, please check. It’s a memory based one.
We are sharing some of the memory based questions from Quantitative Aptitude section asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam held on 2nd December 2017. IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 Memory Based:
1). (20/4 × ? ) 40% = 48
(2.5+1.5) (3.5+1.5)= ?
2). Sum of 4 consecutive even numbers is 81 more than the sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers, sum of last even and odd number is 59. Find the difference between largest even and largest odd numbers?
3). A can do a work in 24. B is 20% more efficient than A. C take 10 more days than B alone to finish the same work. How long A & C will take to do the same work?
4). Sum of Money invested in two schemes, in scheme A, X principle with 8 % per annum and in scheme B with X+1400 principle for two years and difference is 189, then find value of X?
5). Two items A and B cost price equal, item A sold at 40% profit and item B sold at 20%less than the selling price of item A, total profit is 189.find the cost price of A?
6). Ratio of speed of boat down stream and speed of stream is 9:1, speed of current is 3 km per hr, find distance travelled upstream in 5 hours.
7). Average age of A and B, 2 years ago was 26. If age of A 5 years hence is 40 yrs, and B is 5 year younger to C, then find difference between age of A and C?
8). Average of X, Y, Z is 24, X:Y = 2:3, X+Y = 60, then find X-Y=?
9). Length of rectangle is 80% of diagonal of square of area 1225, then find area of rectangle if it’s perimeter is 94√2.
10). The ratio of Milk to water is 5:4, if two litres of water is added, ratio becomes 10:9, then find new amount of water in the mixture.
11). Annual salary of Arun is 7.68 lac. If he spends 12000 on his childrens, 1/13th of rest in food, 8000 in mutual funds, then find the monthly saving he is left with.
Please send the answers for which I sent…
SO for missing info answers?
It will be updated soon.Please check the website.
number series
in missing number qn no 3 is (3. 310, 210, 148, 92, 50, 20, ?)..
its not 210 its 220!!
ya it’s mentioned as 220. Please check the question. Thanks.
Miscellaneous answer please
Will be updated in few minutes.
Non of these 363 answ
correct, thanks