Banking Awareness Quiz – 58

Banking Awareness Quiz – 57
1) The headquarters of the World Helath Organization are located in ?
a) Paris
b) London
c) New York
d) Geneva
2) Where is the central secretariat of the Association Of South – East Asian Nations (ASEAN) located?
a) Jakarta
b) Kaula Lampur
c) Manila
d) Bangkok
3) In Internet banking, without involving another bank, what can be done?
a) FD can be issued.
b) Intimation regarding LC.
c) Issue of cheque
d) Customer funds can be transferred
4) Garnishee order is issued by a ?
a) Police officer
b) Revenue officer
c) CID
d) Court
5) Which of the following banks is all set to becaome the first in the country and among the few in the few in the world to deploy voice – recognition techonology for bio-metric anthentication?
a) Axix Bank
b) HDFC Bank
c) ICICI Bank
d) Yes Bank
6) How many lending Nations formed the ‘Aid India Club’ to help India out of her foreign exchange difficulties?
a) 14
b) 12
c) 10
d) 8
7) The new MD and CEO of Credit Information Bureau India Ltd (CIBIL) is:
a) Rakesh Sharma
b) Sathis Pillai
c) Aditya Puri
d) P.G. Jaya Kumar
8) Financial regulation of RRBs seen after by ……………
a) RBI
d) NHB
9) NRBI mooted for the efficient working of RRBs. NRBI means……..
a) National Regional Bank of India
b) Now Rural Bank of India
c) National Run Bank of India
d) National Rural Bank of India
10) State governmnet stake in the RRB is ………..
a) 50
b) 35
c) 15
d) 14