Banking Awareness Quiz – 57

Banking Awareness Quiz – 57
1) Expand terms means IFRS……………………………….
a) Indian Financial Review Standards
b) Indian Financial Reporting Standards
c) International Financial Review Standards
d) International Financial Reporting Standards
2) Which of the following institutions is involved in granting Housing Loans?
a) RBI
b) SBI
3) Which of the following is not related to banking?
a) Fasting
b) Loan
c) NPA
d) Repayment
4) The NAV of a mutual fund………………….
a) Is always constant
b) Fluctuates with market price movements
c) Cannot go down at all
d) None of these
5) Which of the following is NOT a financial term?
a) Acid Test
b) Double Fault
c) Gross Profit
d) Depreciation
6) The Term Smart Money refers to…………………
a) Foreign Currency
b) Internet banking
c) US Dollars
d) Credit cards
7) Which is the most active Money Market Instrument in India ?
a) Treasury Bill
b) Commercial Papers
c) Repo
d) Notice Money
8) RTGS Stand for :
a) Real Time Gross Settlement
b) Real Total Gross Settlement
c) Reduced Timed Gross Settlement
d) None of these
9) Which is the most active Money Market Instrument in India ?
a) Treasury Bill
b) Commercial Papers
c) Repo
d) Notice Money 10) 10) Who among the following is / are eligible to issue Commercial papers in India?
a) Corporates
b) Primary dealers
c) All-India Financial Institutions
d) All of the above