Important Synonyms and Antonyms – Part 7 (This words taken from The Hindu Editorial Page)

S.No Word Synonym Antonym
121 Cessation Termination Resumption
122 Procrastinate Delay, Temporize Persist
123 Fragile Breakable Robust
124 Potent Powerful Impotent
125 Prognosis Prediction Measurement
126 Repartee Banter Disagreement
127 Exhort Encourage, Urge Discourage
128 Coax Persuade, Tempt Repel ,Allow
129 Lurid Bright, Intense Muted, Discreet
130 Subjugate Conquer Liberate
131 Stringent Firm, Extreme Flexible
132 Flaunt Exhibit Hide
133 Callous Heartless Kind
134 Dishevelled Unkempt Neat
135 Impede Hinder Facilitate
136 Jovial Cheerful Miserable
137 Linger Remain, Persist Leave, Vanish
138 Perilous Dangerous Secure
139 Impetuous Impulsive Cautious
140 Relish Enjoyment Dislike