Sequential Output Tracing (SOT) – Set 10

D.1-5) Study the following information to answer the given questions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: Beautiful 93 28 Junk Queen 76 America 61 52 Perfect Automobile 37

Step I: Junk Beautiful 93 28 Queen 76 America 61 Perfect Automobile 37 52

Step II: 61 Junk Beautiful 93 28 Queen 76 America  Automobile 37 52 Perfect

Step III: Queen 61 Junk Beautiful 93 76 America  Automobile 37 52 Perfect 28

Step IV: 37 Queen 61 Junk Beautiful 93 76 Automobile 52 Perfect 28 America

Step V: Beautiful 37 Queen 61 Junk 93 Automobile 52 Perfect 28 America 76

Step VI: 93 Beautiful 37 Queen 61 Junk 52 Perfect 28 America 76 Automobile

And step VI is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: Eliminator 87 36 Shirt Building 68 40 Allocator Laugh 25 Initialize 41

Logic:  Numbers arranged in sum of the digits of even numbers arranged in increasing order in alternate steps from the right and sum of the digits of odd numbers arranged in increasing order in alternate step from the left.

Words are arranged in vowel count from the left in first step and from the right in second step and so on.

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Input: Eliminator 87 36 Shirt Building 68 40 Allocator Laugh 25 Initialize 41

Step I: Shirt Eliminator 87 36 Building 68 Allocator Laugh 25 Initialize 41 40

Step II: 41 Shirt Eliminator 87 36 Building 68 Allocator 25 Initialize 40 Laugh

Step III: Building 41 Shirt Eliminator 87 68 Allocator 25 Initialize 40 Laugh 36

Step IV: 25 Building 41 Shirt Eliminator 87 68 Initialize 40 Laugh 36 Allocator

Step V: Eliminator 25 Building 41 Shirt 87 Initialize 40 Laugh 36 Allocator 68

Step VI: 87 Eliminator 25 Building 41 Shirt 40 Laugh 36 Allocator 68 Initialize

1) What is average of elements which is second from the right in step I and fifth from the left in step III?

(a) 82

(b) 128

(c) 66

(d) 64

(e) 48

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(d) 64               

2) How many such pair of letters are there in the word which is third from the left end in step V, which has as many letters between them as in English alphabet (both forward and backward)?

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) None

(d) Three

(e) More than three

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(b) Two

3) In step III ’41’ is related to ’87’, in step II ‘Shirt’ is related to ’36’ in the same way in step I ‘Allocator’ is related to?

(a) 25

(b) Shirt

(c) Building

(d) 36

(e) None of these

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  (e) None of these

4) What is the position of ’87’ in step IV?

(a) Fourth to the right of ’41’

(b) Second to the left of ’40’

(c) Immediate left of ’68’

(d) Immediate left of ‘Eliminator’

(e) Fourth to the left of ‘Laugh’

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(c) Immediate left of ’68’

5) Which of the following is step III of the given input?

(a) Building 41 Shirt 25 Eliminator 87 Allocator 68 initiative 40 Laugh 36

(b) Building 41 Shirt 40 Eliminator 87 68 Allocator initiative 25 Laugh 36

(c) Building 41 Shirt Eliminator 68 87 Allocator 25 initiative 40 Laugh 36

(d) Building 41 Shirt Eliminator 87 68 Allocator 25 initiative 40 Laugh 36

(e) None of these

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(d) Building 41 Shirt Eliminator 87 68 Allocator 25 initiative 40 Laugh 36

D.6-10) Study the following information to answer the given questions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: Habit Fancy Magic Yahoo Knife Pain 18 33 75 39 48 24

Step I: Magic 39 Habit Fancy Yahoo Knife Pain 18 33 75 48 24

Step II: Knife 33 Magic 39 Habit Fancy Yahoo Pain 18 75 48 24

Step III: Pain 48 Knife 33 Magic 39 Habit Fancy Yahoo 18 75 24

Step IV: Yahoo 75 Pain 48 Knife 33 Magic 39 Habit Fancy 18 24

Step V: Habit  24 Yahoo 75 Pain 48 Knife 33 Magic 39 Fancy 18

Step VI: Fancy 18 Habit  24 Yahoo 75 Pain 48 Knife 33 Magic 39

And step VI is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: Carom Yield Streak Hostel Balloon Visitor 66 24 06 75 57 09

Logic: Words are arranged in last letter alphabetical order from left to right in each step simultaneously numbers are arranged in left to right (number= first letter position in alphabetical order and multiply by three).

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Input: Carom Yield Streak Hostel Balloon Visitor 66 24 06 75 57 09

Step I: Yield 75 Carom Streak Hostel Balloon Visitor 66 24 06 57 09

Step II: Streak 57 Yield 75 Carom Hostel Balloon Visitor 66 24 06 09

Step III: Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Carom Balloon Visitor 66 06 09

Step IV: Carom 09 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Balloon Visitor 66 06

Step V: Balloon 06 Carom 09 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Visitor 66

Step VI: Visitor 66 Balloon 06 Carom 09 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75

6) What is the position of ’09’ from the left end in the last step?

(a) Third to the left of ’24’

(b) Second to the right of ‘Balloon’

(c) Immediate left of ‘Carom’

(d) Immediate right of ‘Hostel’

(e) None of these

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(e) None of these

7) Which of the following is step V of the above input?

(a) Streak 57 Balloon 06 Carom 09 Hostel 24 Yield 75 Visitor 66

(b) Carom 09 Balloon 06 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Visitor 66

(c) Balloon 06 Carom 57 Hostel 24 Streak 09 Yield 75 Visitor 66

(d) Balloon 06 Carom 09 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Visitor 66

(e) None of these

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(d) Balloon 06 Carom 09 Hostel 24 Streak 57 Yield 75 Visitor 66

8) In step III, which of the following words is in 5th position from the left end?

(a) Yield

(b) Visitor

(c) Balloon

(d) Carom

(e) None of these

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(a) Yield           

9) What is the difference between the elements which is third from the right end in step II and Second from the left end in step IV?

(a) 17

(b) 32

(c) 15

(d) 24

(e) None of these

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(c) 15

10) Which element is fifth to the left of the element which is ninth from the left end in sixth step?

(a) Balloon

(b) 06

(c) Carom

(d) 66

(e) None of these

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(b) 06