Tips to Solve the Rearrangement of sentences

Exercise and Practice questions for Sentence Rearrangement – Part 2

Exercise 1:

(A) People thoroughly dedicated to social service but not fulfilling the eligibility

requirements would not be able to contest elections.

(B) Those who fulfil the stipulated criteria of age and formal education may not be

necessarily devoted to social service.

(C) This system has both advantages and disadvantages.

(D) Therefore, imposing such eligibility requirements is likely to be counter


(E) In certain democratic countries elections cannot be contested by anybody.

(F) People would be deprived of the probable benefit accrued from services of such


(G) There are eligibility requirements of formal education and upper age limit

stipulated in their Constitution.

Answer: E, G, C, A, F, B, D

Exercise 2:

(A) We feel these things are glorious because of the splendid triumphs.

(B) Because of these sacrifices we realise the victories of peace are even more

glorious than victories of war.

(C) The victory is associated in our minds with war.

(D) We are impressed by their sacrifice.

(E) It calls up visions of battles, bloodshed and conquests by force.

(F) But when we think of the philosophy of great men, scholars, social reformers,

scientists and philanthropists we start thinking in a different way.

Answer: C, E, A, F, D, B

Exercise 3:

(A) The individual owes allegiance and obedience to the state.

(B) It is its organ for the present action, the custodian of its tradition.

(C) For, the nation is not only a fellowship of contemporaries.

(D) The state exists for the citizens, not the citizens for the state.

(E) But it is a partnership of present with past and future.

(F) It is also trustee for its future.

(G) This is mainly because it is the representative and effective organ of the largest

and most inclusive community to which he belongs.

Answer: A, G, B, F, D, C, E

Exercise 4:

(A) Therefore, the duty of the advocate is to do his best for his client.

(B) That rests with the judge, and it is ultimately for the judge to decide which side is

right, and how justice to prevail.

(C) When he asked what he thought of an advocate supporting a cause which he

knew to be bad, Johnson’s answer was that the advocate did not know it to be

good or bad till the judge determined it for him and for others.

(D) But, he must do so fairly, and without concealing from it anything that it is his

duty to divulge.

(E) There is a belief that an advocate’s function consists, for the most part, of

showing white as black and black as white.

(F) He is, after all, the client’s mouthpiece, and he must put before the court all

aspects of the case which are favourable to his client.

(G) The only answer that one can give to this popular misconception is the famous

answer that Johnson gave to Boswell.

(H) But he is not concerned with the final result.

Answer: E, G, C, A, F, D, H, B

Exercise 5:

(A) They collected plants, counted birds and photographed the terrain and the fauna

and made their recommendations.

(B) In spring of 1963, an alarmed King Hussain invited a group of British scholars,

scientists and naturalists

(C) He also wanted them to cover the deserts to the east of the mountains.

(D) He wanted them to conduct an extensive survey of the mountains on the eastern

side of the Dead Sea.

(E) The problem of conservation of forests and forest birds and nature in general was

thus set rolling.

(F) Accordingly, expedition of internationally known experts in conservation, botany,

ornithology etc. went to Jordan.

Answer: B, D, C, F, A, E

Exercise 6:

(A) So the aspects of learning styles that are reflected of one’s type can be expected to persists across situations.

(B) There is ample evidence that they remained the same in all situations if we can.

(C) Other strategies we want to keep the same in all situations if we can.

(D) That expectation is confirmed by the research on learning styles that involved the MBTI.

(E) Type preferences fall in this latter category.

(F) Even in those situations that call on us to produce behaviours quite different from

our usual ways of acting, our type preferences don’t change.

(G) Researchers tell us that all of us change some of our learning strategies from

situation to situation.

Answer: G, C, E, F, B, A, D 

Exercise 7:

(A) But all three have one focus – individual performance improvement.

(B) The importance of each component will vary from organization to organization

according to the complexity of the operations.

(C) They are individual development, career development and organizational


(D) Since individual performance improvement is the heart of HRD programme, HRD

can be described as the area of congruence among the three components.

(E) There are three fundamental component area of human resource development.

(F) It will also vary according to the criticality of human resources to organizational efficiency and organizational commitment to improve human resources.

Answer: E, C, B, F, A, D

Exercise 8:

(A) The purpose of this review is to offload public investment from certain low priority areas.

(B) The Govt. has decided in principle to be reserved for the private sector industries reserved for the public sector.

(C) Only those industries are proposed to be reserved for the public sector which falls in the high priority areas.

(D) In addition, the government is also engaged in a review of the existing portfolio of public investment.

(E) This will enable the government to abolish the monopoly of any sector in the field of manufacture except these priority sectors.

Answer: B, C, E, D, A