Expected Cutoff Marks of IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017

Dear Bankersdaily Aspirant,

The first two days of the IBPS PO preliminary examination 2017 is over and aspirants are in for an awe as the exams unwrapped in each slots. Every time the exams will have the same pattern for a single day and the maybe same type of questions could also appear in the examination. This was the trend all the way these days and when sudden changes happen everywhere, IBPS has also taken the route of changes this time and it was hard predicting the type of questions and the pattern.

IBPS followed a pattern this time with an exceptional strategy called β€œSurprise Element” and aspirants who went for the exams in the first two days experienced that and if you have your exams in the forthcoming days, you could even experience that, so brace yourselves for that sudden shock of surprise elements and this will surely kindle your minds.

English was in the difficult level and many aspirants fear that they will lose their cutoff in this particular section. Except the Reading Comprehension , the other two parts were definitely thought provoking. The questions took aspirant’s time because to solve a question, one has to think at least twice to finalize the answer. Yes it was time consuming and new patterns actually. So will it be the same the next two days also , we cannot be pretty sure of that, but there will be definitely a surprise element for the forthcoming batches for the aspirants too.

The reasoning section was the next in line in the difficult level and some old patterns were asked too. No common type of questions were asked and this one thing proves the amount of work IBPS have put in for the Difficulty level of the IBPS PO preliminary examination 2017. Puzzles and Seating Arrangement were little time consuming too and for one batch puzzles were too difficult.

We have also posted the review and analysis of all the slots of the first two days of the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 in our websitePlease click the link below to read more about the review and analysis of IBPS PO Preliminary Examiantion 2017.

October 7, 2017

October 8, 2017

IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Analysis, Review And Questions Asked In Exams – Slot 1 – October 8, 2017

IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Analysis, Review And Questions Asked In Exams – Slot 2 – October 8, 2017

 IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Analysis, Review And Questions Asked In Exams – Slot 3 – October 8, 2017

IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Analysis, Review And Questions Asked In Exams – Slot 4 – October 8, 2017

So based on the feedback of the aspirants who have written the exam of IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 and also from the analysis team of Bankersdaily.in and with suggestions from the senior faculties and experts who have wide knowledge in the exam scenario, we have chose to say the expected cutoff of the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017.

Since the two sections, English and Reasoning ability fell in the difficult level, many would have predicted the cutoff to be higher since the number of vacancies is very low, this time(Do remember the some of the banks have still not released the final list). So according to the analysis of the first two days of all the slots, we expect the cutoff marks for the IBPS PO preliminary examination 2017 to be around the same as that of the last year and we expect to be in the range from 43 – 48 marks.

Expected Cutoff Marks of IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 – 43 to 48

This is purely our say on the cutoff marks which is expected to be that of the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 and it is subject to change with the inputs from the next week slots. So if you are having the exams in the forthcoming days, prepare for the unexpected and don not try to attend all the questions and be selective in the examination.

We have also published the memory based paper which was asked in the IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017 and you could solve the same and gain more from the exams from the link below.


We have also posted free mock test for the benefit of the aspirants, if you choose to attend mock tests, please click the link below to test your knowledge from the free mock tests in our IBPS PO Prelims PLANNER 2017.

Free Mock Test for IBPS PO Prelims 2017

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Check This Before Your IBPS PO Prelims Examination 2017

IBPS PO 2017 Review & Analysis – Based On Week 1

Strategy To Crack The Reasoning Ability Section In IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017

7 Important Points To Score 50+ Marks In IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2017

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