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THE HINDU EDITORIAL – July 10, 2018 is one of the must read for the competitive exams like SBI PO Mains , SBI CLERK Mains Exam, BOB PO Manipal Online Exam. These topics are widely expected to be asked in the reading comprehension , Cloze Test or in Error Detection topics in the forthcoming exams. So gear up for your Exam preparation and learn new words daily.
Living in uncertain times
Given the uncertain times we live in, nothing can be taken for granted. Much of the world seems to be in a state of bewildering confusion. Across the spectrum, people appear euphoric, angry, fearful or confused. Many do not even want to think of what lies ahead. Therein, perhaps, lurks the biggest danger. Not wanting to understand what is taking place has its own perils.
Age of disruption
Disruption is the dominant sentiment today. It is leading to major political upheavals. It has resulted in escalating levels of violence. Technology is the biggest disruptor of all. Many large firms are being challenged by start-ups. Artificial Intelligence is threatening everything that we are aware of. This breeds uncertainty, apart from confusion.
How else can anyone explain the extraordinary spectacle of a U.S. President effecting a meeting with a North Korean leader. Till very recently, North Korea was seen by the U.S., and much of the West, as the principal part of the “axis of evil”. Not only has this been exploded with the leaders of the U.S. and North Korea meeting in Singapore in June, but the U.S. has announced that North Korea no longer poses a nuclear threat, nor is it the “biggest and the most dangerous problem” for the U.S. No diplomatic rigmarole, no joint communiqué on the details and guarantees, just a simple endorsement that North Korea would eschew the use of nuclear weapons and dismantle its nuclear arsenal is considered enough.
The rest of the world, meantime, is in various stages of disarray. Russia’s Vladimir Putin is pitted against almost the entire Western world, and is being blamed for an array of human rights violations. Several regions of Asia are akin to powder kegs waiting to blow up. Afghanistan is rocked almost daily by terror attacks by the Taliban, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, or the Islamic State. West Asia is embroiled in several wars. Syria is the worst-affected and has almost ceased to be a state. Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have intensified. Tensions between Israel and the Muslim world have peaked. The war launched by the Saudi Arabia-led alliance of Arab States against Yemen is turning into a war without end. In South Asia, even tiny countries like the Maldives are challenging bigger neighbours like India.
Europe may not be convulsed with the same degree of violence, but political uncertainty is the prevailing order. Germany, which appeared the most stable of European countries till recently, is in deep crisis politically and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government hangs by the proverbial thread. In France, despite President Emmanuel Macron’s reassuring presence, strong undercurrents of political disruption are evident. A fluid political situation prevails across much of southern Europe.
Stable dictatorships
In a topsy-turvy world, it would appear that autocracies or dictatorships remain more stable, while democracies seem increasingly dysfunctional. Under President Xi Jinping, China, for instance, is making steady progress, despite the occasional dip in economic forecasts. The party remains in tight control of affairs. Mr. Xi and the Chinese Communist Party have on their radar milestones such as ‘wiping out poverty and becoming a moderately prosperous society by 2021’ (100th anniversary of the founding of the party); a ‘Made in China target to be completed by 2025’; and turning ‘China into a fully developed nation by 2049’ (100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China). No hiccups are in sight.
Russia is, again, not constrained by contrarian pulls and pressures. It has entered into a strategic relationship with China, is seeking to consolidate its influence in Eurasia, and has been able to stand up to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the West. Its economy is also on the mend. Other dictatorial regimes, such as Turkey, are proving more resilient than democratic regimes across the world, and better able to manage turmoil within and outside their borders.
Most democracies, on the other hand, reveal a far from homogeneous state of affairs, with ruling and opposition parties increasingly working at cross purposes. Germany’s plight today is largely due to Ms. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and coalition partner, the Christian Social Union, pulling in different directions. Such trends are a common occurrence today.
Equally disconcerting is the plight of political parties themselves in many democracies. Many act in a manner that appears like an indictment of democratic politics. In the U.K., for instance, the Conservative and Labour parties face serious internal divisions. In the U.S., both Republicans and Democrats appear in poor shape. Political parties in France are hardly better situated. What all this presages for the future of democracies is a matter of conjecture.
Indian democracy, unfortunately, is not an exception. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) currently projects an image of a strong centralised party. Most other parties are riven by internal dissensions. Yet, the BJP has been unable to ensure the smooth functioning of Parliament. The BJP’s inability, despite its brute majority in the Lok Sabha, to ‘manage’ a determined Opposition is a serious chink in its armour. More unfortunate, it has resulted in a paralysis of informed discussion and debate. Absence of a debate of this nature in Parliament has a direct impact on the conduct of affairs of state.
For example, there had existed for a long time a broad consensus among parties in Parliament about the conduct of foreign affairs. Today, the consensus appears to have broken down. This has happened precisely when India’s external policies have come under strain. The nation, however, has the right to know the correct state of affairs, which is possible only through a detailed discussion in Parliament. The ruling party seems in no hurry to restore the consensus.
Friction in ties
Without this, it will be difficult for the nation at large to discern why India-U.S. relations, after more than a decade and half of steady improvement, seem to be slowing down. It was only early this year that U.S. President Donald Trump had announced suspension of military aid to Pakistan, and pointed an accusing finger at it for backing terror. All of a sudden, whether due to U.S. imperatives in Afghanistan, or some other reason, there are signs of renewed engagement between Pakistan and the U.S. This cannot but adversely impact India’s position in the region. Simultaneously, the U.S. has of late taken to upbraiding India on trade issues, lecturing it on reducing military ties with Russia, and insisting that it abide by U.S. sanctions on Iran. It also peremptorily postponed the 2+2 dialogue. Without a serious debate in Parliament, it would be difficult for the government to reach a consensus on how to deal with this situation.
This applies in equal measure to the state of India’s relations with China. Despite the Wuhan summit, our relations with China remain equivocal. There has been no give by China on contentious issues such as the border. The Doklam stand-off has yet to be resolved. Further, China continues to aggressively cultivate countries in India’s neighbourhood to India’s detriment. Nepal and the Maldives are conspicuous examples. It is little understood, again, why many of our neighbours seem to be drifting away from India.
A debate in Parliament would be even more critical to understand where our relations with Russia stand today. On the surface, India-Russia relations remain unaffected, but there are enough signs that the nature of the relationship has undergone a change, even though defence ties may be unaffected. If the U.S. continues to insist that India resile from its commitment to buy the Triumf missile defence systems from Russia, we will have a first-rate crisis on our hands. India needs a national consensus to tide over the crisis and withstand U.S. pressure, since succumbing to it would be detrimental to our claims to ‘strategic autonomy’.
Some of the policy imperatives of recent years, including possibly the current transactional nature of India’s foreign policy, may well need to be reformulated, given the present state of affairs. This cannot happen without a detailed debate in Parliament. The time has, hence, come for the government to seek out the Opposition to debate some of these issues inside Parliament, so that foreign policy, at least, remains on an even keel and is not buffeted by the cross-winds of adversarial party politics in the country.
1) Bewildering
Meaning: Confusing or perplexing.
Example: “There is a bewildering array of holidays to choose from”
2) Euphoric
Meaning: Characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.
Example: “A euphoric sense of freedom”
Synonyms: Happy, Gleeful
Antonyms: Miserable
3) Lurks
Meaning: A profitable stratagem; a dodge or scheme.
Example: “You’ll soon learn the lurks and perks”
4) Perils
Meaning: Serious and immediate danger.
Example: “You could well place us both in peril”
Synonyms: Danger, Risk
Antonyms: Safety, Security
5) Upheavals
Meaning: A violent or sudden change or disruption to something.
Example: “Major upheavals in the financial markets”
Synonyms: Disruption, Trouble
Antonyms: Stability, Tranquillity
6) Escalating
Meaning: Increase rapidly.
Example: “The price of tickets escalated”
Synonyms: Mount, Surge
Antonyms: Plunge
7) Spectacle
Meaning: A visually striking performance or display.
Example: “The acrobatic feats make a good spectacle”
Synonyms: Show, Performance
8) Exploded
Meaning: (Of a person) suddenly give expression to violent emotion, especially anger.
Example: “He exploded with rage”
Synonyms: Range, Bluster
9) Rigmarole
Meaning: A long, rambling story or statement.
Example: “She went into a long rigmarole about the different jobs she’d had”
Synonyms: Burble, Yarn
10) Communiqué
Meaning: An official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media.
Example: “The country’s foreign ministry issued a communique”
Synonyms: Release, Announcement
11) Endorsement
Meaning: The action of endorsing someone or something.
Example: “The issue of full independence received overwhelming endorsement”
Synonyms: Support, Approval
Antonyms: Opposition
12) Eschew
Meaning: Deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
Example: “He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence”
Synonyms: Forgo, Shun
13) Dismantle
Meaning: Take (a machine or structure) to pieces.
Example: “The engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap”
Synonyms: Deconstruct, Disassemble
Antonyms: Assemble, Build
14) Arsenal
Meaning: A collection of weapons and military equipment.
Example: “Britain’s nuclear arsenal”
Synonyms: Weaponry, Arms
15) Akin
Meaning: Of similar character.
Example: “Something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her”
Synonyms: Similar, Related
Antonyms: Unlike
16) Powder kegs
Meaning: A situation or a place that could easily become extremely dangerous.
Example: “The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence”
17) Blow up
Meaning: (Of a scandal or dispute) emerge or become public.
Example: “A crisis blew up between the two countries in 1967”
Synonyms: Arise, Emerge
18) Embroiled
Meaning: Involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.
Example: “The organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups”
Synonyms: Involve, Entangle
19) Intensified
Meaning: Become or make more intense.
Example: “The dispute began to intensify”
Synonyms: Escalate, Boost
Antonyms: Lessen, Abate
20) Convulsed
Meaning: (Of an emotion, laughter, or physical stimulus) cause (someone) to make sudden, violent, uncontrollable movements.
Example: “She rocked backwards and forwards, convulsed with helpless mirth”
21) Prevailing
Meaning: Existing at a particular time; current.
Example: “The unfavourable prevailing economic conditions”
22) Undercurrents
Meaning: An underlying feeling or influence, especially one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly.
Example: “Racial undercurrents”
Synonyms: Undertone, Suggestion
23) Topsy-turvy
Meaning: In a state of confusion.
Example: “The topsy-turvy months of the invasion”
Synonyms: Disorderly, Confused
Antonyms: Neat, Ordered
24) Autocracies
Meaning: A state or society governed by one person with absolute power.
Example: “The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was an autocracy”
Synonyms: Dystopia, Despotism
Antonyms: Democracy
25) Dictatorships
Meaning: Government by a dictator.
Example: “The effects of forty years of dictatorship”
Synonyms: Despotism, Autocracy
Antonyms: Democracy
26) Dysfunctional
Meaning: Not operating normally or properly.
Example: “The telephones are dysfunctional”
27) Hiccups
Meaning: A temporary or minor problem or setback.
Example: “Just a little hiccup in our usual wonderful service”
28) Contrarian
Meaning: A person who opposes or rejects popular opinion, especially in stock exchange dealing.
Example: “It has become fashionable to be a stock-market contrarian”
29) On the mend
Meaning: Improving in health or condition; recovering.
Example: “The economy is on the mend”
Synonyms: Convalescent, Improving
30) Turmoil
Meaning: A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
Example: “The country was in turmoil”
Synonyms: Confusion, Tumult
Antonyms: Calm, Peace
31) Reveal
Meaning: Make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.
Example: “Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie’s whereabouts”
Synonyms: Divulge, Disclose
Antonyms: Hide, Conceal
32) Plight
Meaning: An unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad, or difficult one.
Example: “Few of us can be unmoved by the plight of the refugees”
33) Coalition
Meaning: A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.
Example: “A coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”
Synonyms: Alliance, Union
34) Brute
Meaning: A cruel or insensitive person.
Example: “What an unfeeling little brute you are”
35) Chink in its armour
Meaning: A fault in someone’s character or an argument that may cause problems for them.
Example: “A single chink in our armour at the negotiating table means we could lose out badly”
36) Paralysis
Meaning: Inability to act or function properly.
Example: “The paralysis gripping the country”
Synonyms: Shutdown, Stoppage
37) Upbraiding
Meaning: Find fault with (someone); scold.
Example: “He was upbraided for his slovenly appearance”
Synonyms: Reprimand, Rebuke
Antonyms: Congratulate
38) Detriment
Meaning: A cause of harm or damage.
Example: “Such tests are a detriment to good education”
Synonyms: Harm, Damage
Antonyms: Benefit, Good
39) Succumbing
Meaning: Fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
Example: “We cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: Yield, Surrender
Antonyms: Resist, Conquer
40) Buffeted
Meaning: (Of difficulties) afflict (someone) over a long period.
Example: “They were buffeted by a major recession”
Synonyms: Afflict, Trouble
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make videos for both topics
Hi JayaKumar,
We have crossed 100 days of English Winglish and would love to do both the topics but we neglect the one which is not important (has less chances to be asked in the exams. Like India winning a cricket match against other countries, controversial sections, political agendas of some political parties).So we try to pick topics which are having high chances of entering into the Reading comprehension of the Exams. Also the topics we discuss are very important for the Current Affairs Section. Hope this answered your Query.