35 Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2018
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35 Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2018
The D -Day has come and the clock is ticking and the world is revolving so fast that and apart from this, tomorrow is an important day and SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2018 is happening tomorrow. Reasoning is one of the important topic and this will be the scoring part for many aspirants. This is the first time , the SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2018 is happening with sectional timing (First Time). So it is now a a stage for the aspirants and we are providing a Reasoning set with 35 Questions.
Attend these 35 Questions which is a Memory Based Question of the Previous SBI CLERK EXAM 2016. You may not get the same level of difficulty but this was the base for a new wave of changes. Attend these Questions from Reasoning section & Get last minute practice and enhance your confidence.
D.1-5) In these Question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. The statements are followed by two conclusion. Give answer
a) y only conclusion I is true
b) y only conclusion II is true
c) If either conclusion I nor II is true
d) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) If both conclusion I and II is true
Conclusions : I D>E
Conclusions : I. S>P
3. STATEMENTS : S>M = ≥ >T<Q>R
Conclusions : I. R = S
Conclusions : I. R<A
Conclusions : I. E>W
D.6-10) The following questions are based on the Fiev three-digits numbers given below:
462 354 659 785 674
Q.6) If 2 is added to the first digit of each of the numbers how many numbers thus formed will be divisible by three?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
Q.7) If all the digits in each of the numbers are arranged in descending order within the number, which of the following will be the highest number in the new arrangement of numbers?
a) 462
b) 785
c) 674
d) 659
e) None of these
Q.8) What will be the resultant number if the first digit of the second lowest number is divided by the second digit of the highest number?
a) 2
c) 0
e) 1
Q.9) If 2 is added to the first digit and 1 is subtract to the last digit of each of the numbers then which of the following numbers will be the second highest?
a) 659
b) 354
c) 462
d) 785
e) 674
Q.10) If in each number the first digit and the second digits are interchanged then which will be the highest number?
a) 674
b) 785
c) 354
d) 659
e) 462
D.11-15) Study the given information carefully to answer given question
‘Everyone aim for Superbatch’ is written as ‘ri fm ew cu’
‘Superbacth is learners Choice’ is written as ‘Lb ew op sa’
‘Hard Work is for aim’ is written as ‘sa cu ri nk’
‘Everyone imitate superbatch learners’ is written as ‘gy op ew fm’
Q.11) What is the code for ‘Superbatch’ in the given code Language?
a) sa
b) gy
c) ew
d) fm
e) none of these
Q.12) What may be the possible code for ‘Learners Read’ in the given code Language?
a) Jx op
b) ri op
c) Lb Jx
d) op Lb
e) Jx ri
Q.13) In the given code Language ; what does the code ‘cu’ stands for?
a) Everyone
b) either ‘is’ (or) choice
c) hardwork
d) imitates
e) either for (or) aim
Q.14) What is the code for ‘Everyone ’ in given code Language?
a) gy
b) fm
c) sa
d) op
e) Ri
Q.15) If ‘ Choice imitates compulsion’ is coded as ‘Hv Lb gy’ in given code Language, Then which is the code for ‘colour is compulsion’ ?
a) hv nk ew
b) Ri san k
c) Nk hv Sa
d) Sa ew hv
e) Sa ri hv
D.16-18) Seven persons P,Q,R,S,T,U,V are seated in ascending order of their salaries. V earns more than U and S. V earns more than P but he does not earn Highest. P earns more than U. The person who earns second Highest receives a salary of 35000 while Third Lowest earner receives rs 23,000. T earns less than U but more than S. R earns 18,000. S is N. T lowest earner.
Q.16) Who among the following earns more than Rs.23000 but less than 35000?
a) only P
b) only U
c) P and U
d) T and U
e) P and V
Q.17) Who among the following may earn Rs.21000?
a) T
b) S
c) U
d) R
e) V
Q.18) Who among the following earns Rs.35000?
a) P
b) U
c) Q
d) T
e) V
Q.19) If 37 Boys are standing in a Row facing the school Building. Arun is fifteenth from the Left end. If he is shifted six places to the right what is his position from the right end?
a) 16th
b) 21st
c) 20th
d) 18th
e) None of these
Q.20) A is to North of B and C is to the East of A, Who is to the South of D. E is to the West of A. D is in which directions with respect to E?
a) North
b) North East
c) South West
d) West
d) None of these
D.21-25) Ten people are sitting in two parallel Rows containing five people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D, E are seated (not necessarily in the same order ) and all of them facing south. In row-2 P, Q, R, S, T are seated (not necessarily in the same order ) and all of them facing North. Therefore in the given seated arrangement each member seated in row faces another member of other row.
T sits third to the right of Q. P sits second to the left of T. The person facing P sits to the immediate right of B. Only one person sits between B and D. A is not an immediate Neighbour of B. Only two people sit between A and C. Neither B nor A faces S.
Q.21) Who amongst the following Facing E?
a) S
b) T
c) P
d) R
e) Q
Q.22) Which of the following statement is true regarding D?
a) D faces one of the immediate neighbour of E
b) B is one of the immediate neighbours of D
c) None of the given statement is True
d) C sits to the immediate right of D
e) only one person sits between D and E
Q.23) Who amongst the following facing R?
a) B
b) C
c) D
d) A
e) E
Q.24) What is the position of T with respect to S?
a) 3rd to the right
b) 2nd to the right
c) immediate left
d) immediate right
e) 2nd to the left
Q.25) Which of the following sits at the corners?
a) None of these
b) P,T
c) P,E
d) A,T
e) R,D
D.26-30) Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W. live on a separate floor each of an 8-floor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the first floor is number 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered eight.
Only two persons live below the floor on which V lives. Only one person lives between V and P. W lives on an odd-numbered floor but not on floor No.7. Only two persons live between W and Q. Q does not live on the top most floor. P does not live on the lowermost floor. S lives immediately below R. Neither R nor T live on floor No 6. U Lives immediately above P.
Q.26) How many persons live between the floors on which P and S live?
a) Three
b) More than three
c) None
d) Two
e) One
Q.27) Who lives on the floor immediately below V?
a) U
b) T
c) S
d) Q
e) None of these.
Q.28) On which of the following floors number does S live?
a) Four
b) One
c) Eight
d) Five
d) Seven.
Q.29) Who lives on the floor numbered 5?
a) T
b) Q
c) S
d) P
e) None of these
Q.30) Which of the following is true with respect to U as per the given arrangements
a) Only three persons live between U and Q
b) Only three persons live above U
c) Only one person sit between U and S
d) U sits on even numbered floor
e) None of these
D.31-34) Study the given information carefully answer the question
Seven person namely L, M, N, O, P, Q, R will appear for a different Exam but not necessarily in the same order. In seven different month of the same year namely January, February, April, May, July, September and December. Each of the also like different game of TV shows namely Family, Action, Comedy, Reality, Animated, History and Thriller but not necessarily in the same order.
O will appear for an exam which has only 30 days. Only one person appear between the one who like animated shows and O. The one who likes Action will appear for an Exam immediately before the one who likes Animated shows. The one who likes Thriller will appear for an exam neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days. Only two persons will appear for an exam between one who likes thriller and Q. M will appear for an exam immediately after Q and does not Like Action shows. R will appear for an exam immediately before N. P like history shows and appear in December. The one who likes family shows will appear for an exam in a month which has 31 days . O does not like comedy shows.
Q.31) Which of the following games of TV shows O like?
a) History
b) Thriller
c) Family
d) Action
e) Reality
Q.32) How many persons will appear for an exam between the months on which N and L will appear for an exam ?
a) 1
b) 2
c) None
d) Three
e) More than three
Q.33) Which of the following represent the month in which L appear for an exam?
a) December
b) May
c) July
d) September
e) cannot be determined
Q.34) Which of the following represents the persons who will appear for an exam in January and December respectively?
a) N,P
b) N,M
c) R,P
d) R,M
e) M,P
Q.35) The position of how many digits in the Number ‘5 9 1 6 4 8 2 3’ will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number?
a) none
b) one
c) two
d) three
e) none of these
Aspirants can check the the LIVE Test of this Reasoning Section from the video that is provided below.
Get the 49 MOCK TEST Series for SBI CLERK & SBI PO 2018 Prelims Examination 2018 from Bankersdaily. Aspirants would have practiced more than 4000+ Questions. New Pattern Questions included, ON par with the Questions asked in the Preliminary Examination and Analysis of the exam and check your expertise in all the sections. Take the tests by clicking the above images.
Aspirant can check the Important Question from the Reasoning Section – Important Syllogism – New & Old Pattern Questions from the link that is provided below.
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